Why Subscribe?

This is where I post longer-form thoughts and learnings on technology, the creator economy, Web 3.0 and more. I’ll post typically twice or thrice a month. Subscribe here for free to get full access to the newsletter.

I also post shorter form content on my Twitter.

While I don’t have a niche or topic I focus the newsletter on and tend to write about whatever is interesting to me at that point in time, there are definitely areas that I’m already super interested in as mentioned above, so some of the writing will skew in that direction.

I hope it will be an interesting and fun way for you to learn about these topics too!

My hope is that sharing these thoughts will lead to more interesting discussions with friends and also strangers on the internet. If you're reading this and wanna chat hit me up on Twitter or just reply any of my emails.

What do you get by Subscribing?

  • Once every 2 / 3 weeks: A deep deep dive into topics, ideas, businesses or technologies that interest me or I just want to understand more about.

  • Tools / Products / Projects: I’ll also highlight some of the most interesting / new tools, products, projects that you can use to participate in these economies.

Anything else?

I'll definitely make mistakes.
If you identify any errors, factual or logical, please let me know (my DMs are open on Twitter). Older posts and articles may also contain things that are out-of-date or that I may no longer believe in. 

I really enjoy writing and I think you’ll have a lot of fun reading. Join the fun here:

Subscribe to The Diligence

Sharing my learnings at the convergence of technology, the creator economy, crypto, web3 and more.
